First Steps to Start Grow Your Email List

Hi Reader!!

Starting an email list can be pretty daunting, but I want to make it easier for you! I'm learning everything I can about email marketing and sharing it all with you. Thanks for subscribing to follow me on this journey!

I've been listening nonstop to Amy Porterfield's Podcast Online Marketing Made Easy for the last week, and her podcast has been so helpful! Definitely check it out!

Today I want to start with just some starting steps I learned this week!

  1. Sign Up for an Email Marketing Software

There are LOTS of great options out there for email service providers! The most popular ones you might have heard of are Mailchimp, ConvertKit, MailerLite, ConstantContact & FloDesk. There are a lot more out there, but these are just the most common ones I’ve come across! For me, I went with ConvertKit because of its built-in easy-to-use landing pages and the automations & analytics that are available. Don’t overthink this choice!

2. Create an Incentive to Get People to Sign Up

I think the best way to grow your email list is to give people an incentive for joining! If your goal is to eventually sell to people using your email list, you first need to build the know, like, & trust factors with your audience. They need to know who you are, they need to like you, and they need to trust you. To do that, you need to serve them!! Once you decide on what you will create, you want to decide on the format. You can offer a checklist, a download, a worksheet, a video, an email course, anything! Try to think of the ways your audience would most like to view content. And then get to work on creating it!

3. Build Your Landing Page to Collect Subscribers

The landing page is going to tell your audience a little bit about what they will get by signing up to your list. Then it gives them a place to enter their email address so they can subscribe. Then, once they subscribe they will receive whatever it is you promised them for signing up! I love ConvertKit because they make this step SUPER easy with their templates!

If you want to hear a bit more about each step, head over to my blog post: 3 Starting Steps for Email Marketing

That's all for now! I'll see you next week for some more email marketing goodness!



P.S. Did you get your FREE GIFT Yet?!

Christi Johnson Creative

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